Act 5 Scene 1

The character in this scene are Doctor, Gentlewoman, and Lady Macbeth. This scene is talking about how the Doctor and Gentlewoman have noticed that Lady Macbeth has been sleep walking, and even sleep talking. The Doctor asks the Gentlewoman what Lady Macbeth has been speaking about in her sleep, but the Gentlewoman stays loyal to her and will not say. Lady Macbeth then enters, with her eyes open and holding a candle, because apparently now she has become afraid of the dark. She begins to rub her hands, and then speaking saying her iconic line of ‘Out, damned spot! Out, I say’. She is talking about how she cannot get rid of the spot of blood on her hands. Lady Macbeth feels guilty about the blood she and Macbeth had on their hands after they killed Duncan. She continues to expose her and Macbeths actions and talks to the Doctor and Gentlewoman about how Banquo is gone and buried. The Doctor now knows that Lady Macbeth doesn’t need him, but instead needs God.

This scene shows us the point where Lady Macbeth feels guilty for her actions. She says ‘Whats done cannot be undone’, but previously after killing Duncan she didn’t care and just said ‘What is done is done’. At the start, as Lady Macbeths ambition was high Macbeths was lower. But now it is the opposite, Lady Macbeth feels guilty and ashamed of what she has done and Macbeth will not stop until he can get the crown for his children.

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